Monday, December 31, 2007

Nick and Lauren Part I

Hmmm... Somehow this one didn't get published/got erased. Oh well! So, I've been doing some work with a family that lives on a Christmas Tree farm out in Burleson. I've had to be there right as the sun was coming up, and the sight took my breath away every single morning. Overnight, there was a build-up of dew, and when the sun started to rise, it would create this ethereal fog that was breathtaking when the sun would shine through from low on the horizon. I KNEW that I had to do a shoot here! I just had to find a couple crazy enough to get up and be at my house by 6 AM. That's commitment to your photos!! Nick and Lauren were JUST the couple. They understand the meaning of suffering for art! (It wasn't so bad) And the shots came out amazing!

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